


Do you need to find a local placement?

We have student placement spaces available!

What you need to apply

  1. Fitness to practice letter or certificate
  2. Membership of a recognised organisation
  3. Current DBS (Lindum can apply for this on your behalf)
  4. Liability insurance
  5. ICO Membership

How this works

  1. Placement fee £20 per month
  2. Supervision fee £50 per month for 1.5 hours
  3. Wellbeing check in session
  4. We provide the clients and the workspace
  5. 50% face to face and 50% video link
  6. Online diary
  7. Building security 24/7
  8. All staff are qualified counsellors
  9. Supervisors profiles available once placement is approved

Counselling for Children & Young People

Placement Manager

. Anna Reynolds - Placement manager.
Anna is an experienced counsellor, she is empathic and will do her best to accommodate all areas of placement. If you don't get an immediate response when you call Anna maybe working with her clients. Please leave a message and she will return you call as soon as possible. Alternatively drop her an email to or